Personal data

In short

You own your data.

You share the data of your Folder with some Trustees; we host them without seeing them.

We "see" and use your e-mail addresses because we need it to write to you (information, reminders, password reset, ...)

We do not use any technical device to track your internet activity (cookies, redirect, ...) and we do not share any information with partners without your explicit consent (en so far, we do not use the "I've read and I accept the terms and conditions" checkbox).

More details below.


This translation is provided for informational purposes only. In case of discrepancy between the French text and this translation, the French version will prevail.

Definition of terms that begin with a capital letter can be found in the Terms and Conditions As part of his service proposal, My Little Testament collects personal data. This collection and use of the data is described below in this Privacy Policy.

Purpose of the processing

The purpose of the Service is to keep the wishes of an individual (the Depositary) so that they can be consulted by a small population (the Trustees) and/or published on the Internet. This consultation must be possible from the opening of the access until the deletion of the account.

Collected data

The Service stores the data entered (Account data) in the forms made available to Users:
- User : last name, given name, alias, date of birth, gender, e-mail addresses, country, profile picture.
- Depositary : choice of the resting place kind and location; religious or non-religious nature of the funeral. All other data (details of the resting place, wishes) are in free input. All this data is intended to be shared with the chosen trustees.
- Trustee: name, e-mail address, short personal note.
- History : the system stores and presents to the depositary the history of sending e-mails, acceptance of invitation, consultation and updating of the folder. In addition, the Service records connection data: date and time of connection and, if applicable, type of action performed on the different elements of the Account.

In addition, the Service records connection data: date and time of connection and, if applicable, type of action performed on the different elements of the Account. The legal basis of the collection is the contract. In the data provided by the Depositary, personal data of others (Trustees) are included. These data are not made available to other trustees until the invited trustee has accepted the invitation by registering with the Service. Furthermore, even if the Depositary chooses to publish its folder, this data is not publishable. These data may be subject to the exercise of rights by the persons concerned, see the following section "exercise of rights".

Indirect information / Cookies

To ease navigation and ensure the security of the session, we use session cookies. Session data is kept there for a moment, this data is deleted at the end of the session.

The Service does not collect other indirect information (IP address, advertising targeting cookies, etc.).

Duration of the storage

Account data

The life of an Account can not -by definition- be pre-calculated; however, if the age declared by the custodian is greater than 125, the Account will be automatically deleted.

A Forgotten Account, that is an account on which the User has not acted for more than 5 years will be automatically deleted if it cannot be consulted (no confidants, no public).

Connection data

Connection data are kept during 6 mois.

Use of your personal data

Except in the case you choose to publish your data on the Internet, the personal data of your Folder (Instructions and Trustees) will in no case be used by our services or transferred to third parties.

The personal data of your Account are not used by us or transferred to third parties. With the exception of :

Country: when using the service, provision of contextual information related to the declared country.

E-mail address(es) : we may have to write to the addresses declared in the system for technical reasons (password reset, validation of Secondary e-mails, ..) and functional (sending of an invitation by a Depositary to a Trustee, notification of invitation acceptance, reminder message to invite to update his file, ...)

E-mail address(es)/Country

- we may use your addresses and country to write to you in the context of surveys, information campaigns, or commercial prospecting for similar products or services.

- if you have made the choice (subject to change in My Account) to receive information, we may then use your address(es) and country to conduct commercial prospecting and / or transfer this information to third parties.

Statistics: we establish statistics (by definition anonymous) from your following personal data:
- choice of type and place of final resting place; religious or non-religious nature of the funeral,
- age and gender.

Access to your personal data

Except in the case you choose to publish your data on the Internet, only the people you have designated are able to view your data. Nevertheless, technically we and our subcontractors - who ensures the hosting of data - are theoretically able to access your data. Our procedures and contracts prevent us from doing so.

Security of your data

We implement technical measures (encryption, authentication, ...) and organizational measures to ensure the security of the Service and protect your personal data against any access by unauthorized third parties.

Processing supervisor

The association Mon Petit Testament (Siret 93138636100014 - RCS de PARIS) is the processing supervisor of data it collects as part of your use of the "My Little Testament" Service.

Your rights

As the data we collect is limited to the data you enter, to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability where applicable, log in to the Service and view, rectify , delete or export your data.

If you declined or omited to respond to an invitation (from the list of consultable folders), your data will not be visible to other trustees of the Folder. They will be permanently deleted from the database within 6 months.

For any questions on this subject, you can reach us via the contact form by selecting the theme "Your rights".